
Tooth extractions can be recommended by your dental surgeon for a variety of reasons. Some reasons include advanced infection or damage to a part of your mouth. Occasionally the jaw can become over-crowded and the tooth in question is poorly positioned within the mouth, or there is a need to prepare for further orthodontic work.

What to Expect

Although a tooth extraction may seem like a scary procedure, the truth is that it is a common one, aided at our practice by general anesthesia to help ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure.

Here’s more on what to expect during a tooth extraction procedure:

Tooth Extraction Procedure

When it comes time for extraction, our anesthesiologist will walk you through the surgery process before administering the anesthesia. They will then carefully monitor the procedure while our dental surgeon begins the extraction. During the procedure, you will sleep soundly so you will not feel anything.

If the tooth has erupted and is exposed in the oral cavity, the dental surgeon gently rocks the tooth and widens the socket for easier extraction. A tooth that is impacted, or covered by either tissue or bone, may require an incision of the gum line in order to successfully complete the extraction.

Some tooth extractions will require a procedure known as “sectioning” when the socket can’t be expanded enough for the dental surgeon to remove the tooth. This is common in cases where the tooth’s root is anchored too deeply or curved in a way that would be too difficult for the dental surgeon to reach.

In that situation, the dental surgeon will cut the tooth into sections for removal. If you have any questions about extractions, call our office and our friendly staff can answer your questions or schedule a consultation with our dental surgeon.

Post-Extraction Recovery

One of the most important parts of tooth removal aftercare is ensuring a blood clot forms over the site of extraction. After your surgery, our team of medical professionals will instruct you to bite down on a gauze pad until bleeding stops.

After that, it’s vital that the blood clot stays in place and remains undisturbed. To avoid dislodging the clot, dental surgeons advise patients to avoid straws, smoking, alcohol, or vigorous teeth brushing near the site in the days following surgery.

Use ice and medication as necessary to treat swelling and pain following your procedure.

If you’re in Maryland or the District of Columbia area and are interested in learning more about what tooth extraction can do for you and your oral health, please reach out and set up a consultation with our team.

Call our office today at (301) 482-8888 to set up your appointment.